© Copyright Simon Richards and Newburgh Sailing Club 2025
In the early summer of 1958 a small group of local sailing enthusiasts met to discuss the possibility of a sailing club being formed in Newburgh.' The following office bearers were chosen to get things moving.
Commodore: Wm D Farquharson / Vice-
A Regatta was organised for 11/12 October 1958 with Perth SC and the Army Association Club invited. 5 boats sailed on the Saturday(stormy), 13 on Sunday. It was regarded as a success.
An open meeting was called on 17th Oct 1958 in the Canteen ,Cornhill Place where all interested were invited to attend.
Office bearers confirmed and Jean Lauder elected.
First Subscriptions :Members 30 shillings / Family Ticket £ 2:2s (2 guineas or 42/-
Not having any premises the canteen (of the linoleum factory -
In early 1959 WF confirmed a slipway would be built at East Shore below his yard and a working party was arranged to clear the beach. NSC became members of the RYA and a constitution was drawn up. (March 59 minutes).
AGM 14th March 1960 at the Canteen, Cornhill Rd
Road blocks removed by blasting / Perth SC invited members to their winter talks / turnover £59/3/-
Open Mugdrum Island Race to be 2 laps. Nowadays we only sail round once. They must have had good winds to do this.
Regatta planning 26 visitors expected inc. first Solo mentioned but mostly Enterprises / WF provided one of the rescue boats / protest committee chosen -
1960: Birth of Newburgh Sailing Club